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Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Luft- und Raumfahrt
Christian Bach
Marschnerstr. 32
01307 Dresden

Phone: +49 (351) 463-38097
Fax: +49 (351) 463-38125


Dresden - A science and business location


There are many associations one can have when hearing of Dresden: One thinks of the enchanting panorama on the Elbe, probably one of the most beautiful views of the city in in all of Germany. The silhouette of the old town with its turrets, the striking Frauenkirche dome and the museum temples, in addition the vineyards, meadows and bike paths, the steamboats, bridges, castles and parks - all this is part of an unmistakable, inspiring cultural landscape. It has existed more than 800 years and is young at the same time! Because behind the tranquil backdrop of Saxony's state capital, research and production is diverse, innovative and excellent research and production. It is about topics such as the new 5G mobile communications technology, the sensible use of artificial intelligence, microelectronics applications applications of tomorrow, smart materials, e-mobility, natural resource natural resources and the treatment of treatment of diseases of civilization. The core is the Technical University of Dresden, one of eleven eleven German universities of excellence. In the surrounding area 13 universities and academies as well as more than and more than 40 institutes of basic and applied research are active. The particular strengths of the Dresden location lie in the close networking between research research institutions and companies interdisciplinary and international cooperation.

(source: https://www.dresden.de/media/pdf/wirtschaft/Imagebroschuere_2021_DE_bf.pdf)

TU Dresden

TU Dresden

The TU Dresden is a university of excellence and one of the strongest research universities in Germany and Europe. As a technical university, we have a very broad spectrum of subjects with a focus on the technical and natural sciences.

Lighthouses of our research excellence are a graduate school, five clusters of excellence and numerous collaborative research centers and research training groups.

We support our scientists in planning and applying for research projects and specifically promote young scientists.

The TU Dresden is a transfer-strong university and makes its research results available to business, politics and society.

(source: https://tu-dresden.de/forschung-transfer#intro)
Dresden Kunstakademie
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Funding and Coordination

Also see our profile at CORDIS.

The project leading to this application has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 860956.

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